The actual book

So, we visited Son the other day. He wanted someone to cart his stuff away from his old office, and to be driven home from IKEA. (Not at the same time. Obviously.) He and Dodo also had free pizza they needed me and the Resident IT Consultant to eat for them. So we did.

What’s more, Son had just taken delivery of a box of books (that should have been me), and we were all pretty excited to see them. It was a first for all of us, in various ways.

Here it is, the fruit of months of backbreaking translating. (He could have used more finesse when ripping open the box, but other than that…)

Andreas Norman, Into A Raging Blaze

Andreas Norman, Into A Raging Blaze

Andreas Norman, Into A Raging Blaze(To win a copy of the book, try here.)

And there is an audiobook, read by Maggie Mash, being recorded by White House Sound Ltd.


5 responses to “The actual book

  1. Wow, Bookwitch! You must be so proud. That is a linguistic feat of intense cool and genius. Pass my congratulations onto your clever son.

  2. Genius?? Oh well, if you say so…
    The book would suit you, Marnie. Stockholm and Brussels, with a wee bit of Holland.

  3. Terrific! Translation – and translators – need much more love.

  4. Kicki Eriksson-Lee

    How exciting! We’ll done Ian! Can’t wait to read it!

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