Fly away, and back again

We know that Elizabeth Wein writes so well about flying, because she herself knows how to fly. (It obviously helps that Elizabeth also knows how to write.)

Having seen her links on social media for the past week or more, I finally succumbed and read all her blog posts about her and husband Tim’s latest adventure; crossing the US in a small plane. In fact, it’s quite romantic, isn’t it? That they both fly and that they share this slightly crazy idea.

Apart from wondering about the lack of toilets on board the little plane, I am thinking ‘how much catfish can one woman eat?’ But the food and the people they meet all sound great. I wouldn’t want to do it myself, but I suppose I wish I was the kind of adventurous spirit who might do this type of thing.

Have now learned quite how moonlike Texas looks from above, and that it really is quite hard to leave, or cross, this enormous state. And isn’t it marvellous how many unknown – to me – exciting or charming places there are?

Having reached the East Coast, they need to return to California, if only to return the plane, which goes by the perfect name of Bravo Juliet.

4 responses to “Fly away, and back again

  1. Thank you so much for spreading the word! I am glad you are vicariously enjoying the adventure. The answer to your question about catfish is, A LOT! But I am changing it up with pork barbecue. I don’t think we realized quite how much this trip was going to be about food.

    Onward and upward!

    (this message coming to you from Jackson, Mississippi, where we are grounded due to weather at the moment)

  2. PS Tim says, “How much catfish can one woman eat is a fair question.”

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