What he got, what we got

Birthday flowers

Mr School Friend’s birthday went fairly well. What am I saying? It went very well. Mrs School Friend gave him a book, and so did I. Mrs SF also gave him a CD, which we sat and listened to on the by now blissfully normal-temperatured deck.

Pizzabella brought flowers that she just might have picked in the woods on the way. And why not? They matched the books nicely in colour. Which is all that matters.

Birthday books

We ate a lot of wild raspberry cake, also picked in the woods. The berries. Not the cake. Wasps were chased and the Brio railway suffered a mishap. People felt sorry for the Resident IT Consultant for being surrounded by Swedes.

The coincidental connection between my sister and Brother of School Friend has already been mentioned. I ended up chatting to Aunt B of School Friend. Strangely enough, she knew my sister even better. Sweden is such a small country, while seeming large on the surface.

I’d better stop talking to people. Possibly give up cake as well.

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